With viewing of quality and detail in vintage items I have a passion needed in deciding to pursue the desires to learn more about who, why and how certain items came about. There is a very unique history attached to many makers, companies, names and origins of some of the items inspected, like reading a novel at times. Why certain items were made and how families contributed to the generations of company survival, are sometimes very interesting and at times just fun. Capodimonte, Wilton, Wood and Sons, Irving Irice, Holmspray, Fenton, Roseville, Westmoreland, Murano, WM Rogers, Eisenberg, Kramer, are just a very few with considerable fascinations and the drives to strive on in their industries. Countries with the best factories that produced the best porcelain from beginning to end, or the best kind of clay that was used for the quality of ceramics with the smoothest glazes, glass that was made and remade and how the trade was taught, perfumes created with sentiment that historic buildings were erected over, how people were trained in art schools to produce beautiful art work for the passion of love, precious metals that were manipulated in ornate ways of design for jewelry. Understanding why the name of a company or the original maker of an item excites you when you hear it. From the craftmanship and quality of today's artisans to those of yesteryear, the depth of detail is left for you to dive into, what you pursue may surprise you. Have fun. Enjoy!